Leonardo's Top Inventions
The term "Renaissance man" comes from fifteenth-century Italy and refers to the idea of a person with knowledge and skills in a number of different areas. Perhaps, no single individual defines the idea of a Renaissance man better than Leonardo da Vinci – an artist, scientist, architect, engineer and inventor. Though Leonardo da Vinci may be most famous for his works as an artist, he actually spent quite a bit more time working on his endeavors in science and technology. Of course, his detailed sketches and distinct artistry played a large role in his inventions, and his sketchbooks later provided evidence that da Vinci had envisioned many ideas long before the technology to build them actually existed. One of the most prolific inventors in history, Leonardo da Vinci dreamed up inventions and innovations across a variety of fields. Whether designing weapons of war, flying machines, water systems or work tools, da Vinci the inventor (much like da Vinci the artist) was never afraid to look beyond traditional thinking or "dream big."
Suggested Media
Web Resources: Print
BIOGRAPHY: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Leonardo-da-Vinci BIOGRAPHY: https://www.biography.com/artists/leonardo-da-vinci BIO OVERVIEW: https://www.mos.org/leonardo/biography.html INVENTIONS: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/ OVERVIEW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_and_inventions_of_Leonardo_da_VinciTOP TEN INVENTIONS: https://www.historyhit.com/leonardo-da-vincis-most-important-inventions/TOP NINE: https://www.historyisnowmagazine.com/blog/2019/3/10/the-9-greatest-inventions-of-leonardo-da-vinci TOP INVENTIONS (detailed examination): https://nicofranz.art/en/leonardo-da-vinci/inventions CODEXES: https://www.discoveringdavinci.com/codexes CODEXES: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Codices_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci
Armored Vehicle
Bridge design
Web Resources: Video
THE GENIUS OF LEONARDO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJboCFa4iVQ
TOP SEVEN INVENTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwOlIGGDVjE
LEONARDO THE SCIENTIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMf8hFBJylA
AVIATION INVENTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0_htkvCVpE
FLIGHT OF BIRDS CODEX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPCZ6HU9XLQ
VITRUVIAN MAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMsaFP3kgqQ
Diving Suit
Web Resources: Inventions
ANEMOMETER: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/anemometerANEMOMETER (meteorology): https://www.yourweather.co.uk/news/science/leonardo-da-vinci-a-genius-who-contributed-to-meteorology.html FLYING MACHINE: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/flying-machine FLYING MACHINE: https://www.wingsofhistory.org/da-vinci-ornithopter-model/ HELICOPTER: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s_aerial_screwHELICOPTER: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/aerial-screw PARACHUTE: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/parachute PARACHUTE: https://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/davinciparachute.html#google_vignetteROBOT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s_robot ROBOT: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/robotic-knight UNDERWATER GEAR: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/scuba-gearUNDERWATER GEAR: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/leonardo-da-vinci-designed-a-nightmare-scuba-suit BRIDGES: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/revolving-bridgeBRIDGES: https://news.mit.edu/2019/leonardo-da-vinci-bridge-test-1010 GUNS AND CANNONS: https://www.italian-renaissance-art.com/Da-Vinci-weapons.html GUNS AND CANNONS: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/triple-barrel-canon GIANT CROSSBOW: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/giant-crossbow GIANT CROSSBOW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s_crossbow ARMORED VEHICLES: https://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/armoured-carARMORED VEHICLES: https://www.leonardodavincisinventions.com/war-machines/leonardo-da-vinci-tank/ STEAM CANNON: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architonnerre WATER STRIDER: https://nicofranz.art/en/leonardo-da-vinci/inventionsMUSICAL COMPOSITION: "Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28vYc1u7nis
Leonardo's Musical Inventions
Viola Organista
Leonardo's musical sketches from a notebook
See: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/abc-classic-specials/leonardo-da-vinci-the-musician/11054768 Retrieved 28 January 2025
There was one additional talent of Leonardo da Vinci that sometimes gets overlooked in the art histories and biographies of him. He was also a musician, and by all accounts a very fine one. Dozens of contemporary and near-contemporary accounts attest to his musical skill, and his notebooks are strewn with musical sketches, inventions and suggestions. For him, music was the sister-art to painting in its ability to “shape the invisible.” His peers describe him as a performer and a teacher of music, with a profound interest both in the science of acoustics and the craft of designing, building, and improving actual musical instruments. And while he didn’t leave behind musical manuscripts in the modern sense of fully written-out scores, he was unquestionably a composer of original music, most of it, in the tradition of the time, sketched out in fragmentary themes, memorized, and then improvised upon during actual performances. In 1482, Leonardo, invented a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head, which was more resonant and beautiful in sound than the conventional wooden lyres. At the time, his erstwhile patron Lorenzo de' Medici was involved in a dispute with the Duke of Milan. So as a peace-offering, Lorenzo sent Leonardo to Milan bearing the beautiful horse-head lyre as a gift. But it was just one of many musical instruments invented or improved by Leonardo, among them various flutes, drums, hurdy-gurdies, stringed instruments, and a fore-runner of the modern keyboard (Viola Organista). While not all of these were ever actually built, they made Leonardo so reputable as an instrument-designer that he had to write a letter reminding people that he was also pretty handy as an engineer and painter!
Overview: https://www.wqxr.org/story/leonardo-da-vincis-unsung-forays-music/ Viola Organista: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_organista# Viola Organista (with audio): https://www.npr.org/sections/deceptivecadence/2013/12/01/247543086/da-vinci-s-string-organ-must-be-heard-to-be-believed# Da Vinci’s recorders (wind instruments): https://recorderhomepage.net/leonardo-da-vincis-recorders/
Leonardo Timeline
© https://www.sparknotes.com/biography/davinci/timeline/FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY
1452: ·Leonardo was born on April 15, in Vinci. Leonardo was born to Ser Piero, a notary, and Caterina, a peasant girl; his parents were never married. 1467: ·Leonardo becomes an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio, in Florence. This date is an estimate, the apprenticeship could have begun a year or two later. But even 1467 would have been a bit late according to the customs of the time: Leonardo would have been fifteen, and most apprentices began at a younger age. 1469: ·Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici become new rulers of Florence. The two brothers took over when their father died. 1469 also marks the birth of Machiavelli, who would be an important advisor to Lorenzo and later write the work of political philosophy entitled The Prince (1515).1472: ·Leonardo becomes a member of the Florence Painters' Guild. Birth of Copernicus. Dante's The Divine Comedy is published. Other famous painters to join the Painters' Guild in 1472 were Botticelli and Perugino.1473: ·Leonardo draws a landscape on the Feast of Santa Maria delle Neve. This is his earliest known drawing, though he probably also had a hand in Verrochio's Baptism of Christ, which probably reached completion in or around 1473. 1475: ·Michelangelo born 1476: ·Leonardo is charged with sodomy on April 9; the case is dismissed on June 16. 1477: ·Leonardo had at least some part in the painting the Annunciation to the Virgin, completed around this time. 1478: ·The Pazzi family tries to assassinate Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici. Lorenzo survives; Giuliano does not. This same year, Leonardo writes in his notebooks that he has begun "two Virgin Marys." He also paints the Portrait of Ginevra de Benci around this time.1481: ·Leonardo receives a commission to paint the Adoration of the Magi. The painting was never completed, yet was–and is–considered a masterpiece. This same year, most of the other noteworthy painters in Florence were sent to Rome to work on projects for the Pope. 1482: ·Leonardo moves from Florence to Milan, entering the patronage of Ludovico Sforza. By this time, Leonardo is writing in his notebooks regularly.1483: ·Leonardo receives a commission to paint the Virgin of the Rocks. Also, Raphael is born in 1483.1485: ·Plague in Milan; Titian born. 1488: ·Verrochio dies. 1489: ·Leonardo studies anatomy. 1490: ·Leonardo begins work in earnest on the bronze horse for his patron Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo begins a book on landscape and hydraulic works; it is never finished. Salai enters his household at the age of 10. 1492: ·Lorenzo de Medici dies; Columbus goes to the New World. 1493: ·A woman named Caterina, possibly Leonardo's mother, possibly a servant, becomes a member of his household in Milan. 1494: ·Savonarola takes power in Florence. 1495: ·Leonardo begins his Last Supper in the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. 1496: ·Leonardo illustrates mathematician Fra Luca Pacioli's De divina proportione. 1498: ·Leonardo decorates the walls and ceiling of the Sala delle Asse. He also made his first attempts at planning a flying machine around this time. In 1498, Savonarola is burned at the stake.1499: ·The French army conquers Milan; Leonardo leaves. 1500: ·Leonardo and Pacioli go to Mantua, then Leonardo continues on to Florence. In Mantua, he draws the Portrait in Profile of Isabelle d'Este. In Florence, he paints the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne.1502: ·Leonardo becomes Cesare Borgia's military engineer. Leonardo travels around the Romagna, inspecting fortifications. He meets Machiavelli. 1503: ·Back in Florence, Leonardo begins the Battle of Anghiari.Also, in 1503 Florence tries to divert the Arno River away from Pisa in order to defeat Pisa in war. Leonardo and Machiavelli may have cooperated on this project.1504: ·On July 9, Ser Piero dies. 1505: ·Leonardo makes a second attempt to build a flying machine and begins sketches for the Mona Lisa, which he completes sometime later.In 1505, Leonardo gives up on the Battle of Anghiari, which is deteriorating as he works on it.1506: ·In May, Leonardo is summoned to Milan by Charles d'Amboise, the French governor. 1507: ·Leonardo is appointed Louis XII's painter and engineer. He paints a second version of the Virgin of the Rocks. He meets his beautiful young assistant, Francesco Melzi. Also, he travels to Florence in a lawsuit against his brothers of his inheritance from his uncle Francesco.1508: ·Michelangelo begins work on the Sistine Chapel frescoes. 1511: ·Vasari born. 1513: ·Leonardo moves to Rome. Living in the Vatican, he studies the properties of mirrors. It is perhaps at this time that he paints the Turin Self-portrait. It was in this year that Leo X (Medici) became pope; the previous year the Medici family returned to power in Florence.1515: ·Around this time, Leonardo paints the painting John the Baptist. He also constructs a mechanical lion for the coronation of the new king of France, Francis I. 1516: ·Leonardo permanently leaves Italy for France, where he will serve Francis I in his court in Amboise. 1519: ·In May, Leonardo dies at Cloux.