Edgar Rice Burroughs
1. Who was Edgar Rice Burroughs?
- Biographical sketch on the official Edgar Rice Burroughs website: https://www.edgarriceburroughs.com/?page_id=48
- An overview: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Rice_Burroughs
- An overview in The Daily Express (UK): http://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/685776/Tarzan-film-cinema-story-author-Edgar-Rice-Burroughs-Alexander-Skarsgard-Margot-Robbie
- ERB CHRONOLOGY: http://www.erblist.com/erblist/erbchron.shtml
- ERB DETAILED TIMELINE: https://www.erbzine.com/bio/
2. Recommended Reading
A. Two Web Resources:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Rice_Burroughs_bibliographyA site that allows reader to explore all the major Burroughs novels with an option to buy, including original editions: https://www.biblio.com/edgar-rice-burroughs/author/19
B. Books on Edgar Rice BurroughsMaster of Adventure: The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs by Richard A. LupoffEdgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan: A Biography by Robert W. FentonTarzan Forever: The Life of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Creator of Tarzan by John TaliaferroGolden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs by the Rev. Henry Hardy HeinsTarzan Alive by Philip Jose FarmerBurroughs's Science Fiction by Robert R. Kudlay and Joan LeibyTarzan and Tradition and Edgar Rice Burroughs by Erling B. HoltsmarkEdgar Rice Burroughs by Irwin PorgesEdgar Rice Burroughs by Robert B. ZeuschnerThe Burroughs Cyclopædia ed. by Clark A. BradyA Guide to Barsoom by John Flint RoyTarzan: The Centennial Celebration by Scott Tracy Griffin
3. Film and Television Adaptations
- The Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0123194/
- A fine overview of “major” films: https://www.csmonitor.com/Books/2012/0309/John-Carter-11-other-adaptations-of-Edgar-Rice-Burroughs-novels/Tarzan-the-Ape-Man
- Film rights controversy: http://www.slashfilm.com/john-carter-rights/
- ACTORS WHO HAVE PLAYED TARZAN: https://reelrundown.com/celebrities/Actors_Who_Have_Played_Tarzan
- ACTORS WHO HAVE PLAYED TARZAN: https://www.ranker.com/list/actors-who-played-tarzan/celebrity-lists
6. ANOTHER POSSIBLE JOHN CARTER SERIES? (2020 update): https://thedisinsider.com/2020/10/20/rumor-new-john-carter-project-in-early-development-at-disney/
4. Video
- Remembering Edgar Rice Burroughs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riPMXTSgEMA
- 100 Years in the Making: A short documentary about the creation of the Martian Novels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC0De1Z3QVQ
- Trailer: THE LAND TIME FORGOT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0K97czqecQ&t=18s
- Trailer: AT THE EARTH’S CORE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbmtCBhPkyg
- THE COMPLETE FIRST TARZAN FILM: 1918 with Elmo Lincoln as Tarzan and Enid Markey as Jane (60 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpLYBVleE2A
- Trailer: 1932 TARZAN, THE APE MAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIoPPD0NKhA
- Trailer: 1942 TARZAN’S NEW YORK ADVENTURE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtAsQNDCiaA
- OPENING CREDITS TRAZAN TV series 1966--1968 (Ron Ely): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO_eJCLByXs
- OPENING CREDITS TARZAN TV series 1991--1992 (Wolf Larson): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm53zF2cD9o
- Trailer: 1984 GREYSTOKE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AkRkwUpm0
- Trailer: 2012 JOHN CARTER OF MARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlvYKl1fjBI
- John Carter saves the Princess Dejah Thoris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXBZ2YZiXXE
- TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION (complete; 1927): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwDB5qpXA1c
5. The Edgar Rice Burroughs Company
Visit the official Edgar Rice Burroughs Company website. There you will find games, toys, artwork, books, films, a weekly magazine, and a host of biographical pages. In 1923, Burroughs became the first American author to incorporate HIMSELF so that he AND HIS HEIRS could control all film, radio, book, serial, and merchandise rights to his work. That means that everything you see on this screen is controlled by the Burroughs family, right down to the Tarzan Bubble gum in the lower left. Today, through worldwide ownership of copyrights and trademarks, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. [oversees] every adaptation of his literary works in film, television, radio publishing, and theatrical stage productions. The company, which licenses the copyrights and trademarks of Mr. Burroughs’ fictional heroes, including Tarzan of the Apes, John Carter of Mars, Carson Napier of Venus, and many more, is owned by his heirs and operates from offices the author built in 1927 on the site of his former Tarzana ranch.
6. Depicting Burroughs' Stories
N. C. Wyeth
N. C. Wyeth
J. ALLEN ST. JOHN "Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar"
J. ALLEN ST. JOHN "Masterminds of Mars"
J. ALLEN ST. JOHN "Thuvia, Maid of Mars"
JOHN COLEMAN BURROUGHS "Synthetic Men of Mars"
FRANK FRAZETTA "Lost on Venus"
AARON MILLER "A Princess of Mars"
FRANK SCHOONOVER "A Princess of Mars"
ROBERT K. ABBETT "A Princess of Mars"
N.C. WYETH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N._C._WyethJ. ALLEN ST. JOHN: http://www.bpib.com/illustrat/stjohn.htmJ. ALLEN ST. JOHN: https://www.korshakcollection.com/j-allen-st-johnFRANK SCHOONOVER: https://www.frankschoonover.org/JOHN COLEMAN BURROUGHS: https://www.erbzine.com/mag3/0335.htmlAARON MILLER: https://www.aaronbmiller.com/aboutROBERT ABBETT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_K._AbbettFRANK FRAZETTA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Frazetta
FRANK FRAZETTA: http://frazettamuseum.com/
JOE JUSKO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Jusko
JOE JUSKO: http://www.joejusko.com/
7. Burroughs Book Series
Barsoom seriesA Princess of Mars (1912)The Gods of Mars (1914)The Warlord of Mars (1918)Thuvia, Maid of Mars (1920)The Chessmen of Mars (1922)The Master Mind of Mars (1928)A Fighting Man of Mars (1931)Swords of Mars (1936)Synthetic Men of Mars (1940)Llana of Gathol (1948)John Carter of Mars (1964)Burroughs, John Coleman (1940), John Carter and the Giant of Mars."Skeleton Men of Jupiter" (1942) Tarzan seriesTarzan of the Apes (1912)The Return of Tarzan (1913)The Beasts of Tarzan (1914)The Son of Tarzan (1914)Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916)Jungle Tales of Tarzan, 1917 [1916].Tarzan the Untamed, 1921 [1919].Tarzan the Terrible (1921)Tarzan and the Golden Lion, 1923 [1922].Tarzan and the Ant Men (1924)Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, 1928 [1927].Tarzan and the Lost Empire (1928)Tarzan at the Earth's Core (1929)Tarzan the Invincible (1930–31).Tarzan Triumphant (1931)Tarzan and the City of Gold (1932)Tarzan and the Lion Man, 1934 [1933].Tarzan and the Leopard Men (1935)Tarzan's Quest, 1936 [1935].Tarzan the Magnificent, 1937 [1936].Tarzan and the Forbidden City (1938)Tarzan and the Foreign Legion (1947)Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins (1963, for younger readers)Tarzan and the Madman (1964)Tarzan and the Castaways (1965)Tarzan: the Lost Adventure (1995) (written with Joe R. Lansdale) Pellucidar seriesAt the Earth's Core (1914)Pellucidar (1923)Tanar of Pellucidar (1928)Tarzan at the Earth's Core (1929)Back to the Stone Age (1937)Land of Terror (1944)Savage Pellucidar (1963) Venus seriesPirates of Venus (1934)Lost on Venus (1935)Carson of Venus (1939)Escape on Venus (1946)The Wizard of Venus (1970) Caspak seriesThe Land That Time Forgot (1918)The People That Time Forgot (1918)Out of Time’s Abyss (1918) Moon seriesThe Moon Maid (1926; The Moon Men)Part I: The Moon MaidPart II: The Moon MenPart III: The Red Hawk[These three texts have been published by various houses in one or two volumes. Adding to the confusion, some editions have the original (significantly longer) introduction to Part I from the first publication as a magazine serial, and others have the shorter version from the first book publication, which included all three parts under the title The Moon Maid.]
Mucker seriesThe Mucker (1914)The Return of the Mucker (1916)The Oakdale Affair (1917) Other science fictionBeyond the Farthest Star (1941)The Lost Continent (1916; a.k.a. Beyond Thirty)The Monster Men (1929)The Resurrection of Jimber-Jaw (1937) Jungle adventure novelsThe Man-Eater (1915)The Cave Girl (1925)The Eternal Lover (1925; a.k.a. The Eternal Savage)Jungle Girl (1932; a.k.a. Land of the Hidden Men)The Lad and the Lion (1938) Western novelsThe Bandit of Hell's Bend (1926)The War Chief (1927)Apache Devil (1933)The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County (1940) Historical novelsI am a Barbarian (1967)The Outlaw of Torn (1927) Other worksThe Efficiency Expert (1921)Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder (2001)The Girl from Farris's (1916)The Girl from Hollywood (1923)The Mad King (1926)Marcia of the Doorstep (1924)Minidoka: 937th Earl of One Mile Series M (1998)Pirate Blood (1970)The Rider (1937)You Lucky Girl! (1927)
Mucker seriesThe Mucker (1914)The Return of the Mucker (1916)The Oakdale Affair (1917) Other science fictionBeyond the Farthest Star (1941)The Lost Continent (1916; a.k.a. Beyond Thirty)The Monster Men (1929)The Resurrection of Jimber-Jaw (1937) Jungle adventure novelsThe Man-Eater (1915)The Cave Girl (1925)The Eternal Lover (1925; a.k.a. The Eternal Savage)Jungle Girl (1932; a.k.a. Land of the Hidden Men)The Lad and the Lion (1938) Western novelsThe Bandit of Hell's Bend (1926)The War Chief (1927)Apache Devil (1933)The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County (1940) Historical novelsI am a Barbarian (1967)The Outlaw of Torn (1927) Other worksThe Efficiency Expert (1921)Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder (2001)The Girl from Farris's (1916)The Girl from Hollywood (1923)The Mad King (1926)Marcia of the Doorstep (1924)Minidoka: 937th Earl of One Mile Series M (1998)Pirate Blood (1970)The Rider (1937)You Lucky Girl! (1927)